Matthew 6:22-23

Good and Evil Eye in Matthew 6:22-23: Rightly Interpreting Bible Verses

God Over Money: Matthew 6:22–23

Matthew 6:22-23

What did Jesus mean when He said, “The eye is the lamp of the body” in Matthew 6:22?

Bible verse of the day: Matthew 6:22-23

The Choice Between Two Visions - Matthew 6:22-23

What Does Our Eye Being A Lamp Mean? (Matthew 6:22-23)

The Evil Eye (Matthew 6:22-23) - Tim Conway

Matthew 6:22-23 The eye is the lamp of the body… #god #jesus #bible #prayer #christian

Spiritual Eye Exam (Matthew 6:22-23)

How is the Eye the Lamp of the Body (Matt 6:22–23)

The eyes in Matthew 6:22-23.

2. 'Good Eye': What Does the Expression Mean? (Matt. 6:22)

Matthew 6:22-23/ Bible Verse of the Day - Eye is the Lamp of the Body #jesus #christ #god #bible

Unlocking The Eye’s Light: Matthew 6:22-23 Explained

Specially for kids: Know the Bible - Matthew 6:22-23 Sermon: Single-minded

Journey with the Messiah - Matthew 6:22-23 HD

Are you full of light or darkness? Matthew 6:22-23

Healthy Eyes - Matthew 6:22-23 Devotional

Lamp of the Body | Jesus´ Sermon on the Mount | Matthew 6:22-23

Matthew 6:22-23 - A Single Eye and Simple Faith || Charles Spurgeon’s Sermon

The Science of Jesus: Matthew 6:22 'If your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.”

Quotes From The Bible - Matthew 6:22-23 When Your Eyes Are Healthy...

'The Light of the Body is the Eye' | Matthew 6:22-23